How to handle age differences in dating
Men and women who date someone considerably younger or older for the first time often realise after a while that some things are different from what they are used to. If you have spent most of your previous relationships with somebody around your own age and suddenly go for somebody older our younger, you may find yourself in a similar situation, soon. Where do the challenges come from? There are many reasons why partners with big gaps between their ages can struggle. Fortunately, there are usually ways to overcome these challenges. Let’s take a look at some common relationship issues and how to handle age differences in dating.
How to handle age differences in dating when the partner is younger
Having a younger partner may seem like an awesome thing at first. Somebody young and attractive and still full of energy and excitement? It’s hard to see the negatives, right? What most of us don’t think through though is how our environment treats us when we have a younger partner. No matter where you go, you will always find people who either look at you or even treat you like you are father and daughter. When men in their 50s go out with a woman in her 20s or 30s, it is often the assumption that they are related or that she is a gold digger. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about societal views. If you want to learn how to handle age differences in dating, you should start with accepting this as how things are.
How to handle age differences when it comes to personality and interests
When you think about how to handle age differences in your relationship, you inevitably think about maturity at some point. The good news is that maturity does not have an age, really. There is a saying that you are as old as you feel, and there is definitely some truth in it. Some younger partners are surprisingly mature for their age. In fact, for some younger women or men this is the main reason why they prefer older partners. And it works the other way around, too. Older partners often say that they feel younger just by having a younger partner by their side!
Why a number does not determine how long a relationship will last
Couples often wonder how to handle age differences when it comes to planning their future. Planning a family together or just wondering how long you will be together – it can all seem daunting when there is a bigger gap. However, how many years apart partners are has never been a good measurement. Relationships fail for all kinds of reasons. In the end, the gap could turn out to be the biggest advantage. At least one of you may have enough experience to have figured out what he wants.